"It all began as an ordinary day in September, an ordinary day in Raccoon City. A city controlled by Umbrella.所有事件开始於九月某一个平常不过的普通日期。在浣熊市来说是平常的一日。浣熊市被雨伞公司控制著No one dared to oppose them, and that lack of strength could ultimately lead to their destruction.无人够胆去反抗雨伞的人。及那*缺乏反抗雨伞恶势力的勇气*会终极地导致浣熊市的毁灭。I suppose they have to suffer the consequences of their actions, but there would be no forgiveness.我肯定浣熊市民要承受自己不反抗雨伞恶势力行动所带来的後果,但是他们不反抗恶势力的事实是不值得原谅。As soon as the wheels of justice begin to turn, nothing can stop them, nothing.在正义的裁判之轮开始转动时,无任何东西可以停止雨伞,无任何东西可以。It was Raccoon City's last chance, and my last chance. My last escape."这是浣熊市最後机会,及我最後机会。我最後逃亡。开场后Jill独白:September 28th, daylight, the monsters have overtaken the city. Somehow...I'm still alive.9月28日,早上,怪兽们夺去浣熊市。但是。。。我仍然活著。I think that we have to get out of here廸里奥dario,我想我们一定要离开这里(仓库)